Special Format Mosaics
Although we feel all types of mosaics are special, it is understandable that we are now used to the regular square or rectangle stone design mosaic sheets, some tend to even think that the amazing hexagon mosaics are showing their age a little. This probably is the reason why mosaic manufacturers always look for new ideas and shapes when it comes to introducing a new range of mosaics into the market.
We will take this opportunity to introduce some of the newest and most exciting mosaic ranges we have added to our selection.
Carrara White Diamond Mosaic
Made from dark marble small squares and brilliant white diamond-shaped natural marble, arranged in a brilliant design, the mosaic sheets are cut to perfect precision which can be seen in their masterful finish.
Carrara White Metro Bevelled Mosaic
Now we admit this is not a new design look however, the metro design is based on the famous London underground porcelains that we have been seeing for decades but made with real natural Marble. So you not only get that historical look but also the fantastic feel of natural marble with this new range.
Carrara White Kitkat Mosaic
The name is a perfect giveaway with this range to they look like, the mosaic sheets are made up of elongated rectangles that are cut to a perfect finish. The most advantageous aspect of this range is that different orientations can help provide a different visual appearance. Either for a narrow wall made to look wider with the horizontal layout installation or a lower ceiling wall that appears higher with the vertical arrangement.
Carrara White Hexagon Flower Mosaic
So you want flowers on your walls made up of small white and black hexagon natural marbles, well you have your wish granted. This is an extremely unique design again cut to perfect precision. The workmanship has to be respected with this range, even the samples are manufactured in such a way you get the perfect representation of their flower arrangement, request your free sample now, and you will not be disappointed.
Carrara White Scallop Mosaic
Sometimes known as the fish-scale mosaic, this is another one of our new Carrara range of mosaics. Its refreshingly unique individual pieces are shaped and arranged in such a way that they soon become one of our most requested items within our new range of mosaics. The quality of the finish is apparent with each sample that can be requested through our website.
Carrara White Arabesque Marble Mosaic
Even with our decades of combined experience within the industry, we get amazed on occasion when it comes to the quality and precision of cutting in some of the newer mosaic ranges. This is due to better and more efficient cutting techniques being used by some manufacturers. In the old days, regular machines with moving parts were used to manufacture the types of home-use materials, but what this meant was that it was not possible to produce more complex shapes, as cutting tools would simply not bend that way. Now, with the introduction of a cutting technique called Waterjet cutting, the power of high-pressure water is harnessed to cut much more complex shapes to help produce these amazing new mosaic ranges for the market. Carrara White Arabesque Marble Mosaic is one of those special mosaics that will amaze even the most sceptical of buyers. Just take a look at those curved lines accompanied by the sharpest of right-angle cuts.
Carrara White Tear Drop Marble Mosaic
This new special range will only bring tears to your eyes out of joy once you see the finished installation. Cut again with the above-mentioned Waterjet cutting technique to precision, its flowing lines provide a more relaxing look to its final appearance.
What we encourage is for you to request your free sample to see these mosaics for yourselves, you definitely won’t be disappointed.